stranded thoughts at the beach

I've been going to the beach every year as long as I could remember. Every time, I go to the beach; I tend to be stranded alone in my thoughts. The waves and the salty breeze pulls me into an emotional trance. This emotional trance often gives me a clearer image of my life in the city; sometimes it allows me to feel my supressed emotions that I have stored deep down in my heart. People often quote, home is where you feel at ease and I have figured out that the beach is my home. 

        As someone who struggles to express my affection to the people around me, I often attract the wrong people in my life.  As I was watching the waves reaching the shore, a thought occured in me.

People who come and go are like the waves that reach shore but never stay;
they look ethereal, 
their lies sound heavenly,
but they aren't in your life for a long-term commitment.

        I believe that when you radiate positive energy, you attract people with the same energy. In my case, I attract people who radiate negative energy. This made me ponder if my daily life is similar to the characteristic of a electron. Am I a positively changed rod that attracts negatively charged particles? 
       As the quote goes, 'the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability' from the movie Ratatouille (2007),  our life is filled with unexpected events that may bring both positive and negative outcomes. No matter what life throws at you, try to stand up. That will turn you into a stronger individual. Even though I struggle with making good friends, I believe it is crucial to learn from my past mistakes when choosing a friend. The good news is God helps me to get rid of people who usually drain my energy. In the end of the day, I hope I would continue radiating positive energy within myself and be grateful to the surprising events that occur in my life.



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