the basketball court incident

Currently, I'm listening to Maestro by Seventeen. I can't wrap my head around anything but the cinematography, choreography and the JEON WONWOO. That's my TMI for today. Also, I just figured out the definition of 'TMI'. The word 'TMI' is a text abbreviation for too much information. I thought I would share this.

    Honestly, I have no clue what to write today. As I reminisce my childhood, I don't remember most incidents happened. But since I wrote about my grandfather yesterday, I think it would be approprite to share a funny story that involves my grandfather and me. 

     Everyday after kindergarten, I go to the open basketball court in my grandparents' neightbourhood. As usual, I played with my younger brother and ride my tricycle around the basketball court. On that particular day, I saw a girl who was probably 2 or 3 years old at that time and quickly bonded with her. I had no clue what happened to me that day, I threw stones at a stray dog that was ''chilling'' at the basketball court with the girl who was younger than me. At one point, my grandfather and my younger brother left to home to get something while I was alone at the basketball court. Yes, I was all alone in the basketball court. I don't remember what I did but the stray dog started running towards. The fight or flight response hit my body before I could think. The only aim is to run back home and safe myself from the dog. As I was running, I slipped and fell on the ground pretty harshly until I scratched both of my elbows. The funniest part was the dog jumped over me and acted like nothing happened. Then, my grandfather came to rescue and took me home to treat my injury.

        I hated dogs until I heard the dog passed away. The passing of the dog made me realise that I wrong in the first place by trying to hurt it. 

What was the moral of the story? 

1. Treat animals with kindness.

2. Realise your mistakes before it is too late to apologise.

P.S. If anyone happened to read this, stream Maestro by Seventeen, haha. 


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